Added February 2021
This word maze is has an added complexity: you're casually navigating your way around, minding your own business, spelling all the words forwards in the traditional and time-honoured fashion, when suddenly you discover that you've completely changed direction and must now get your poor brain around spelling them backwards instead!
Maze rules:
- Get from the W at the top-left to the D at the bottom-right, forming a chain of valid words along the way.
- Valid words must lie along straight lines, either orthogonally or diagonally, just like in a wordsearch.
- Any length of word is permitted.
- You start off the maze spelling words forwards, in the usual fashion; but, as soon as you move along a word whose first letter is the same as its last letter (e.g. dad), then you must henceforth spell your words backwards, from the last letter to the first!
- The next time you reach a word with the same first and last letter, then you switch back to moving forwards, and so on and so forth.
- An extra subtlety is that you cannot change direction by moving along a one letter word (i.e. a or I). That loophole is not permitted.
- The large purple circle to the right of the puzzle helps you keep track of which direction (→, ←) is appropriate for the current move.
- Words will be accepted if they abide by the criteria common to all my word mazes.
- Here's a reminder of the permitted two letter words: am, an, as, at, be, by, do, go, ha, he, hi, ho, if, in, is, it, me, mu, my, no, nu, of, oh, ok, on, or, ox, pi, so, to, up, us, we, xi, ye.
Having trouble? Here's a .
Still having trouble? You can view the if you are really struggling. This will ruin the puzzle for you, so I would strongly advise against giving up too early!