Reset   View published systems

Here you can create your very own bridge system in the form of a collapsible tree view that can be shared with your partners. I've password protected this feature to guard against bot attacks filling up my database. You'll need to obtain this password if you want to publish your system for other people to see (hint: it's the name of an overly officious character from Victor Mollo's menagerie; no spaces). You can do this by contacting me via the link at the bottom of this page. In the meantime, feel free to try out the feature using the form below.

You can create your system by entering it in markup form in the first box, below. Its tree view representation will appear in the second box as you type. You can also give your system a name and password, which will allow you to edit it in future. I've already populated the first box with some example markup, which I hope is mostly self-explanatory. However, there is a full guide to the markup format at the bottom of this page.

How to write markup

Each line of the markup consists of up to three elements:

You can also add sections of text before and after your tree view, to serve as introductory or closing remarks. The maximum permitted size of your system is 200,000 characters. I also recommend that you keep backup copies of your markup (as .txt files), in case you ever wish to revert to an earlier version. Here are the permitted annotations:

Symbol Markup Meaning
* artificial
~ natural
𝄫 _ sign-off
b non-forcing
# forcing
? ? game invitational
! ! slam invitational
G game forcing
S slam forcing